글로벌 바이오 헬스큐어 기업 제넨셀


Anti-osteoporotic effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge EtOH extract both in ovariectomized and naturally menopausal mouse models



()제넨셀은 여성 갱년기에 나타나는 질환 중 항골다공증에 도움을 줄 수 있는 건강기능식품 및 의약품의 개발을 위해

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해당 논문은 경희대학교와 공동 연구를 통해 여성 갱년기 동물 모델에서

단삼추출물(Saliva miltiorrhiza Bunge extract, SME)의 골다공증 억제 효능을 입증하였습니다.

이를 통해 SME 골다공증 치료제로서의 가능성을 제시하였으며

국제저명학술지 Journal of Ethnopharmacology (IF 3.414)에 게재되었습니다.

해당 논문은 추후 SME의 임상시험 및 사업화 기초자료로 활용될 예정입니다.



Ethnopharmacological relevance: Salvia miltiorrhiza is a traditional oriental medicine widely used for preventing and treating disorders of the liver, menstrual, and blood circulation systems. Osteoporosis, loss of bone with age and/or estrogen deficiency, is an important causal factor of fracture. S. miltiorrhiza extract has been used to alleviate dysmenorrhea and painful osteoarthritis.

Aim of the study: This study was performed to investigate the anti-osteoporosis activity of the Salvia miltiorrhiza ethanol extract (SME) in osteoporosis-prone conditions: ovariectomized (OVX) and naturally menopaused (NM) ICR mice.

Materials and methods: Anti-osteoporotic potentials of SME (50–200 mg/kg) were evaluated based on bone mineral density using microCT analysis, biochemical parameters, and changes in the gene expressions involved in bone resorption.

Results: SME ameliorated the loss of trabecular bone both in OVX and NM mice. SME was effective in correcting aberrant levels of RANKL, osteocalcin, and BALP, which are critically involved in bone resorption. In addition, SME suppressed the expression of TRAF6 and NFATc1, which play a role in osteoclast differentiation. 

Conclusions: SME suppressed the loss of trabecular bone via suppressing bone resorption and osteoclast differentiation both in OVX and NM mice. SME is likely to be developed as a therapeutic agent for osteoporosis. 

KeywordsOsteoporosis, Menopause, Salvia miltiorrhizaBone mineral density, Bone resportipon, Osteoclast differentiation